Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Rise And Fall Of Adolf Hitler Essays - Adolf Hitler,
The Rise And Fall Of Adolf Hitler The Rise and Fall of Hitlers Reich Feeling that all was lost, Hitler shot himself on April 30, 1945. By orders formally given by him before his death, SS officers immersed Hitler's body in gasoline and burned it in the garden of the Chancellery. Soon after the suicide of Hitler, the Germ On Easter Sunday April 20, 1889, at an inn called the Gasth of Zum Pommer, the wife of an Austrian Customs official gave birth to a son, Adolf Hitler. He was the fourth child to the parents of Alois and Klara Hitler of Austria. Hitler was a good student. One of the teachers in his high school classified young Hitler as notorious, cantankerous, willful, arrogant, and irascible. He has an obvious difficulty in fitting in at school. He did well enough to get by in some of his courses but had no time for Adolf saw no real reason to stay in high school. He left school at age sixteen without a leaving certificate. In September 1907, Hitler left home taking with him all the money left to him by his father, who had died a few years earlier. The money would preliminary examination, the applicant was asked to submit drawings. Biblical drawings were most preferred. Hitler's drawings were returned saying they were too wooden and too lifeless. He was rejected. He tried three months later and did not get pa Hitler moved into an apartment with his friend in Vienna. He pretended to be a student living off his relatives money. He read many books and sat in on the Austrian government sessions . Hitler speaks of his life in Vienna as five years in which I had In 1913, Hitler moved to Munich. Life was not much better there until the First World War started in 1914. While many people were frightened and sad at the thought of a world war, Hitler was delighted. He held the rank of corporal, and in forty-seven b On October 13th 1918, a month before Germany surrendered to the Allies, his good luck ran out. When Hitler and his fellow dispatch runners were waiting in line for their food rations, British troops began lobbing high explosive shells nearby. Some of th Hitler soon regained use of his eyes, but as he was about to rejoin his regiment, he got the terrible news of Germany's surrender. Once again, everything went black before my eyes, and I tottered and groped my way back to the place where we slept and bu As part of Hitler's job, he investigated a party called the German Workers' Party. He was disgusted how the group had no organization, although he was in favor of many of the party's ideas. To follow up with his job, he joined the group to make sure t Hitler finally found his talent as a great orator. He first became aware of his talent while teaching at the University of Munich. When he talked, he held his audiences spellbound. He would sometimes lose five pounds a night by getting so active in his He persuaded the other party members to rent one of the largest halls in Munich?one that seated at least 2,000 people. There Hitler made of list of demands to the German government. Point twenty-five said, For modern society, a colossus with feet of cl Ernst Rohm, a friend of Hitler's, organized a group of storm troopers for Hitler. The German name for storm troopers was Storm Abtcilung, or SA for short. They first beat and killed hecklers at Nazi speakings. When there were no hecklers, they found Je By the summer of 1923, the Nazi party had grown to 150,000 members. With the Nazi movement growing so rapidly, Hitler knew it was time to make a move on Germany. November 11, 1923 seemed like a perfect time for Hitler to make the grab for power. It was Hitler captured the government leaders and forced them to join him. His 3,000 men then marched to Berlin in an attempt to take it over. The German police were waiting. Shots were fired and sixteen nazis and two policemen lay dead. Hundreds more were w The trial was a political circus. Hitler was allowed to speak for hours at a time. During one of his speeches he said, It is the External Court of History ? That court will judge us ? as Germans who wanted the best for their people and their fatherla Hitler
Monday, November 25, 2019
Why Students Cheat and How to Stop It
Why Students Cheat and How to Stop It Cheating in our schools has reached epidemic proportions. Why do students cheat? What can we as parents do to prevent it? Here are some answers to these questions and much more in this article which features an in-depth interview with one of the nations top authorities on the subject, Gary Niels. Why do students cheat? Here are three reasons: 1. Everybody does it. Its disturbing to discover that young people in middle school and high school think that it is acceptable to cheat. But its our fault, isnt it? We adults encourage young people to cheat. Take multiple choice tests, for example: they literally invite you to cheat. Cheating, after all, is nothing more than a game of wits as far as teenagers are concerned. Kids delight in outwitting adults, if they can. While cheating is discouraged in private schools by tough Codes of Behavior which are enforced, cheating still exists. Private schools which devise tests requiring written answers rather than multiple guess answers discourage cheating. Its more work for teachers to grade, but written answers do eliminate an opportunity for cheating. 2. There are unrealistic demands for academic achievement from state and federal education authorities. The public education sector is accountable to government, largely as a result of No Child Left Behind. State legislatures, state boards of education, local boards of education, unions, and countless other organizations demand action to correct the real and imagined failings of our nations public education system. As a result, students must take standardized tests so that we can compare one school system to another nationally and at the state level. In the classroom these tests mean that a teacher must achieve the expected results or better, or she will be viewed as ineffective, or worse, incompetent. So instead of teaching your child how to think, she teaches your child how to pass the test. No Child Left Behind is driving most of the assessment teaching these days. Educators really have no option but to produce the best possible results. To do that they must teach solely to the test or else. The best antidotes for cheating are teachers who fill children with a love of learning, who impart some idea of lifes possibilities and who understand that assessment is merely a means to an end, not the end itself. A meaningful curriculum will shift the focus from learning boring lists of irrelevant facts to exploring subjects in depth. 3. Cheating is expedient. It can be the easy way out. Years ago cheaters lifted whole passages from an encyclopedia and called them their own. That was plagiarism. Plagiarisms newest incarnation is dead easy: you simply point and click your way to the site with the relevant information, swipe and paste it, reformat it somewhat and its yours. Need to write a paper in a hurry? You can quickly find a site which provide a paper for a fee. Or go to a chat room and swap papers and projects with students nationwide. Perhaps youd prefer to cheat using texting or email. Both work just fine for that purpose. Sadly, many parents and teachers have not learned the subtleties of electronic cheating What can we do about it? Schools need to have zero tolerance policies concerning cheating.Teachers must be vigilant and alert to all the newer forms of cheating, particularly electronic cheating. SmartPhones and tablets are powerful tools for cheating with uses limited only by a students imagination. How do you fight that kind of brain power? Discuss the issue with both technology-savvy students and adults. Their exploits and perspective will help you fight electronic cheating. Teachers: Ultimately the best solution is to make learning exciting and absorbing. Teach the whole child. Make the learning process student-centric. Allow students to buy into the process. Empower them to guide and direct their learning. Encourage creativity and critical thinking as opposed to rote learning. Parents: We parents have a huge role to play in combating cheating. Thats because our children mimic almost everything we do. We must set the right sort of example for them to copy. We must also take a genuine interest in our childrens work. Ask to see everything and anything. Discuss everything and anything. An involved parent is a powerful weapon against cheating. Students: Students must learn to be true to themselves and their own core values. Dont let peer pressure and other influences steal your dream. If you are caught, cheating has serious consequences. Editors Note: Gary Niels is Head of Winchester Thurston School in Pittsburgh and the author of a very useful paper on cheating entitled Academic Practices, School Culture and Cheating Behavior. I am grateful to him for answering my questions.  Everybody does it. Unrealistic demands for academic achievement by state education boards. Expediency or the easy way out are some of the reasons students cheat. Are there other reasons of which you are aware? The first thing to recognize about cheating is that the vast majority of young people (and adults for that matter) believe that cheating is wrong. Yet, by nearly every poll, most young people cheat at least once in their high school career. So, the most important question is why do young people behave in ways that are inconsistent with their stated beliefs? I believe the answer to this lies in a survival instinct. I am not a psychologist, but I believe there is a mechanism within each of us which triggers a need to save face. Saving face can mean a desire to save oneself from the angry assault of a parent or teacher; it can mean avoiding embarrassment; it can mean economic survival or a perceived pressure be it self-inflicted or inflicted by some other extraneous force. Nowadays, college acceptance is the major instigator of this survival instinct. Of course, the survival instinct isnt the only reason young people cheat. They might cheat because they find a lesson or a course to be meaningless -having no perceived relevance to their lives. They might also cheat because they belief something is unfair, so feel justified in cheating. Lets examine each one of these reasons in more detail. First of all, Everybody does it. To me thats like saying everybody cheats on their taxes or lies about their age. Does this signify a lack of moral conviction on the part of society as we head into the new millennium? Are parents setting the wrong example for their children? Historically, sociologists and psychologists have studied cheating behavior under the classification of aberrant or deviant behavior. Psychologists and sociologists have applied theories of deviant behavior in order to understand cheating. However, cheating is no longer deviant behavior; it is now normal behavior. This change poses a significant challenge for those who seek to establish academic integrity in a school environment since the student code is stronger to break and is more prevalent. As for the role of parents, Id like to come back to that a little later. The demand for accountability has created a clamor for state testing of students. The pressures are enormous on both students and teachers. How widespread do you think cheating is in this area? Does state testing ipso facto encourage cheating to achieve acceptable results? Although I cannot excuse it, I understand why an educator might find state testing to offer an unbearable pressure to cheat by in some way giving your students an unfair advantage. If you tell a school administrator that his schools existence or employment might hinge on his students performance on a test, I believe you are tempting fate. Most human beings have a breaking point and when anything threatens a persons livelihood, income and/or social status, you put them in a survival mode. In other words, as you threaten that individuals existence, you tempt them to reach their moral breaking point. Cheating offers an easy way out. Why bother studying hard and doing all those term papers by yourself if you can use somebody elses work? Would you agree that expediency is a major reason for cheating? Expediency might be one reason for cheating, but Im not sure its the main reason. In fact, strangely, young people will sometimes go to greater lengths to cheat than to study for a test. Occasionally, this is due to boredom. Studies indicate that there is a high correlation between certain pedagogical practices and cheating behavior: lack of clarity in a lesson, perceived lack of relevance, and too few tests offered in a grading period are just a few examples. Ive even wondered at times if cheating isnt some form of student protest against certain types of curricular or pedagogical factors. One mathematics teacher had an interesting insight into a student who had gone to elaborate lengths to program his calculator to outsmart his teacher. I cant help but believe that a student who is so capable in using technology, couldnt ace an Algebra test. Also, I find when I prepare a test with calculator use, I emphasize the problem solving aspect, not the calculation. Those real world applications which we are encouraged by (the NCTM) Standards to employ in our classes actually defeat the need to cheat in classes, or dont provide the opportunity to cheat. Without wishing to appear to be blaming teachers, it is necessary to point out that the way we present our curricula and the type of assessments that we offer can influence cheating behavior. We need to demonstrate to students why it is important for them to know the material we are presenting and the purpose it will serve in the bigger context of their studies and lives. Forms of Cheating One of the reasons you and I are doing this interview is to make our colleagues, both teachers and parents, more aware of the highly sophisticated forms which cheating has adopted since the advent of technology in the classroom. Can you outline some of the kinds of cheating we adults ought to be vigilant for? The University of Texas complied a very comprehensive list of cheating strategies, which Ive included in the Appendix of my paper Academic Practices, School Culture Cheating. Youve raised a good point with regards to sophisticated forms of cheating. One of the problems we encounter in deterring cheating is that some kids can simply outsmart us. While writing my paper I was in touch with many educators around the country. At one point I received an e-mail tip that there was a discussion going on among some students on one of the major graphing calculators listserv whereby students were sharing how they had outsmarted teachers. The following was one of the entries that day: Concerning teachers clearing memory before test, just write a memory clearing simulation program. I had a bunch of formulas I needed for an Algebra test stored in a program. I wrote a program that would simulate almost every function after [2ND] [MEM]. I even had a blinking cursor. The only problem I had was with Page Up and Page Down and having two menus at the bottom of the screen. When the teacher started around the room clearing memories, I went ahead and executed my program, doing a fake total memory clear. When she came around, she saw the memory cleared, defaults set screen, and went on to the next person. What a dumb ass! So, yes, dealing with the more sophisticated forms of cheating is a reality. How can teachers keep ahead of their students when it comes to recognizing electronic cheating? This might seem simplistic, but, first, students need to understand why cheating is wrong. Dr. Lickona defined a few in his book Educating For Character: It will ultimately lower your self-respect, because you can never be proud of anything you got by cheating.Cheating is a lie, because it deceives other people into thinking you know more than you do.Cheating violates the teachers trust. It undermines the whole trust relationship between the teacher and his or her class.Cheating is unfair to all people who arent cheating.If you cheat in school now, youll find it easier to cheat in other situations later in life - perhaps even in your closest personal relationships. Secondly, when essay topics are generic in nature, there seems to be more opportunity to cheat. However, when the essay topic is specific to class discussions and/or unique to the courses stated goals, it becomes more difficult for students to go to web sources to lift material or download papers. Additionally, when the teacher expects that the papers development will follow a step-by-step process that requires them to document their topic, thesis, outline, sources, rough draft and final draft there are fewer opportunities to cheat. Conversely, when a paper suddenly appears with no documented process, then teachers should be wary. Lastly, if there are regular in-class writing assignments, a teacher can come to know the students writing style. Lastly, teachers might want to familiarize themselves with the major web sites which offer papers to students for a fee. Plagiarism seems so much harder to spot when students only have to cut and paste materials. How can you recognize electronic plagiarism? I suspect the teachers reading this might offer many worthwhile tips. To me, however, the best way is to simply know the students writing style. At times we have even asked the students previous teacher to help us to determine whether the paper or a section of a paper was consistent with the students work from the previous year. The difficulty comes when youre convinced that something isnt quite right and the student denies any wrongdoing. Different schools will handle this situation in different ways. Prevention at School Does a Code of Ethics or an Honor Code help keep most unethical academic behavior in check? Only if students and faculty have bought into the system! This is the biggest challenge with honor codes. It will be very difficult, if not impossible, to establish an honor code, or any effort to deter cheating for that matter, if students are not permitted to play a role in developing the solution. Social Psychologists, Drs. Evans and Craig speak of the weight of the communities attitudes in determining the potential success of an Honor Code. Intuitively, beliefs about the efficacy of strategies to reduce or prevent cheating may predispose success or failure. For example, if students believe that an honor system to promote academic honesty wont work, chances for success of the system introduced by their teachers may be jeopardized from the outset. Dr. Gary Pavela, the director of judicial programs at the University of Maryland and the past president of the National Center for Academic Integrity, fully supports the notion of student participation in formulating an Honor Code: Such balancing and sharing of authority is premised upon the assumption that control of academic dishonesty will not be accomplished by threat of punishment alone. Ultimately, the most effective deterrent will be a commitment to academic integrity within the student peer group. Only by giving students genuine responsibility in a collaborative effort with faculty and staff can such a commitment be fostered and maintained. Trusting students to participate in the establishment, promotion and enforcement of community values is a difficult challenge. Traditionally, schools have been hierarchical with students being at the bottom. But educators are realizing that when trusted and when given an opportunity to participate in the vision of the school, students have a great deal to contribute. Moreover, this participation has had other positive consequences. Namely, the adolescent desire to belong has results in expressions of loyalty to the school, rather than the sub-group. The more of this type of loyalty which we can inspire, the less cheating behavior we will see. Prevention at Home I have always felt that parents should review their childrens work regularly to see what is being accomplished. Does this help prevent cheating? I am sure that this is important, but as the student gets older and more independent, it is less likely that parents will be checking work. The most important thing parents can do is to model integrity. Just last night I was attending a movie with my family. My son ran into a classmate whose father was in the adjacent line. When we simultaneously reached the front to purchase our tickets, we all clearly heard the boys father say One adult, two children to the ticket agent. Since the childrens age for a reduced rate was clearly demonstrated on the board and our sons were the same age it was obvious that the father lied about his sons age in order to reduce his fee by a couple of dollars. Although such a white lie seems harmless, it models to children that corners can be cut, little lies dont matter and honest is good when its expedient. How Teachers Can Help Prevent Cheating Model integrity, no matter what the cost.Dont assume young people know why cheating is wrong, both from a personal and corporate perspective.Enable students to understand the meaning and relevance of an academic lesson.Foster an academic curriculum which perpetuates the real-world application of knowledge.Dont force cheating underground - let students know that you understand the pressures and, at least initially, be reasonable in responding to violations. Tips for Foiling Electronic Cheating Catching students who cheat has always been part of your job as a teacher. The wrinkle these days is that electronic cheating is wide-spread in addition to all the other forms of cheating you and I are accustomed to. Here are five ways to catch your students when they cheat. 1. Use a PDS (Plagiarism Detection Service) like to catch plagiarism. The service is used by thousands of schools and universities worldwide. Basically compares your students papers with those in their enormous databases. Similarities are highlighted so that you can review the findings easily. 2. Forbid the use of smart devices in exam rooms. Students are extremely savvy when it comes to devising ways to use common electronic equipment to cheat. Be alert to these techniques. Sending text messages via cell phone is more common than you realize. Watch for earphones which can be extremely tiny and are used to play back notes. 3. Lock down your grade program and database. Hardly a day goes by without some chilling story about hackers breaking into a schools academic database and changing grades. Keep your computer secure by using secure passwords. Set your screen saver to activate in password protected mode after 2 minutes of inactivity. 4. Look for crib notes anywhere and everywhere. Students can write notes on the most ordinary things like gum wrappers and bottle labels and bring them safely into the exam room UNLESS you are watching carefully or ban them completely. So, be a grinch and pick up wrappers and miscellaneous bits of paper wherever you see them. You can fit many pages of information on a small piece of paper using very small fonts. And its edible too. 5. Be vigilant. Trust but verify. A cautious Trust but verify! approach to dealing with cheating will pay off. Use the same approach in your classroom. Be aware of the possibilities for cheating which are all around you. Resources Cheating: Today’s High School Norm?High-Tech Cheating on the Rise at SchoolsOne Third of Teens Use Cellphones to Cheat in School Article edited by Stacy Jagodowski
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Little Miss Sunshine as Example of American Independent Cinema Essay
Little Miss Sunshine as Example of American Independent Cinema - Essay Example This enables studios to 'test' more experimental films, taking the more successful of these to greater box office success without risking the reputation of the major sponsoring house. Film expert Bruce Kawin (1992) suggests that the term 'independent' has been used to refer to a wide variety of different types of film. There are those producers who are completely independent from the major studios, creating their films on their own and then selling studios distribution rights and those who create films on home video cameras and attempt to distribute or not on their own, both generally supportive of mainstream social power structures. While these are technically independent films, Kawin and others prefer using the term independent film to refer to producers who work outside the mainstream in terms of representation or as a means of strongly questioning the status quo and might instead be called the avant-garde. As a form of classification, the term 'independent film' has been applied most frequently to those productions which have an unusual, divergent or 'quirky' character. In attempting to pinpoint the concept of the independent film and its characteristics, some of the more common formal traits of independent films will be identified and then examined as they appear or don't appear within the film Little Miss Sunshine, an independent film that could be argued to represent a form of cross-over event between independent film and mainstream because of its social perspective. ... e common characteristics of independent film in America can include its 'quirky' character, the sense of its message, a sense of innocence and/or irony in this message delivery, unique camera angles creating what might be considered amateur professionalism with carefully orchestrated characters and scenes and a generally lower degree of post-production editing. Thus, independent film can be characterized through its plot, technique, tone and social commentary. By 'quirky', most film experts intend to mean that the film conveys slightly odd renditions of the familiar mainstream tropes rather than completely radical swings away from what one might expect. These may take the form of an unusual combination of characters, slightly strange variations of relationships or objects or somewhat different methods of presenting the audio or visual material. What is unique about the 'quirky' is that it is, as James MacDowell claims, "crucially, a comic address that requires we view the fiction as simultaneously absurd and moving, the characters as pathetic and likeable, the world as manifestly artificial and believable" (2010: 4). While the world presented in independent film is strange and different, it is still presented as relatively safe and non-controversial. In keeping with this concept, MacDowell says many independent films will include musical scores that carry connotations of sweet and simple, high in repetition, higher on the musical register and frequently within a waltz time signature as a means of encouraging an association with childhood. A strong connection with the child-like or the innocent is carried throughout the visual presentation as well. However, other experts such as Jeffrey Sconce (2002) claim a strongly ironic or nihilistic approach within the independent
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Human population Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Human population - Essay Example He claims in his lecture that even in 1960 when world population was 3 billion, 2 billion was made up by the developing world and 1 billion was made up by the industrialized world. This highlights the need to work on living conditions of the poorest to control population control. Jackley also stresses on the need to improve the lives of poor people to control population and poverty, both of which are very serious issues. Microfinancing is one way to do that which is about lending small amounts of money to people who are faced with really tight financial conditions. Even a little amount of capital can bring enormous changes. Jackley has witnessed herself that only an amount of $100 can change the entire business trajectory of a suffering person in a country like Kenya or Uganda. Dr. Ehrlich also comments in a video that it is impossible to have a good future without stabilizing world population. So many horrible famines have already struck countries like China and India in the 70s due to
Monday, November 18, 2019
Written Response to a poem (English Literature class) Essay
Written Response to a poem (English Literature class) - Essay Example are associated with images, the poet attempts to capture a sense of deep connection between himself and his audience that manages to transcend normal cultural or social bounds. While not all poetry is able to reach this level, Langston Hughes’ poem â€Å"Dream Deferred†does. In this poem, Hughes uses simile and imagery to illustrate what happens to a human soul when it is blocked from being able to fulfill its dreams. In this poem, Hughes asks a series of questions that are heavy with simile and imagery as a means of answering his opening question, â€Å"what happens to a dream deferred?†Each question explores a different possible answer to this question by using similes to suggest what the results of these possibilities might be. The most basic definition of a simile is that it is a comparison between two things – objects or ideas – that uses the words ‘like’ or ‘as.’ The first possible response to having to defer one’s dreams is having the dream â€Å"dry up / like a raisin in the sun†(3-4). Since raisins are already dried and shriveled, a raisin in the sun is instantly understood to be something so dry and shriveled that it is no longer edible, making this an effective simile. Next, Hughes suggests that a dream deferred might â€Å"fester like a sore – / and then run†(4-5). This is a particularly unpleasant compariso n as it refers to first a wound and then a deep infection that goes untreated long enough to ooze. The third possibility suggests that the deferred dream might â€Å"stink like rotten meat / or crust and sugar over†(6-7). Like the raisin, this possibility suggests something that has lost all of its usefulness but it goes further because it also suggests that in becoming useless for positive benefits, it has also become actively negative as it rots and putrefies. A less visible but still tangible simile is suggested through the fourth possible reaction to a dream deferred as Hughes indicates it can be like a heavy load
Friday, November 15, 2019
PESTEL analysis of the global coffee industry
PESTEL analysis of the global coffee industry Corporate strategy is the way a company or organization creates values through the configuration and co-ordination of its multi-market activities (Collis, 1997). Coffee is the most widespread drink in the world with approximately half-a-trillion cups consumed every year. There are two fundamental types of coffee: espresso and regular, or non-espresso. Espresso is the variety of coffee available in cafà ©s and restaurants, whilst regular coffee is generally meant for the home. Nearly 70% of the worlds coffee is produced by the Americas of which Brazil contributes 30% to the global production. The coffee industry of the world employs nearly 25 million people while approximately 5 million people work in the coffee industry in Brazil. Brazil has in excess of 3 billion coffee plants. The three major kinds of commercially produced coffee bean are Arabica, Robusta in addition to Liberia. Brazilian Coffee production figures rose by more than 12 million (60kg) bags to an amazing 46 million during 2008 making the country streets ahead of the other two top world coffee producers of Vietnam (19.5 million bags) and Colombia (13 1 million bags). PORTERS FIVE FORCES : Threat of substitution: Other beverages apart from coffee the substitutes are tea, soda, fruit juice, water, beer and other alcoholic drinks, other quickà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ grab foods apart from pastries, muffins, doughnuts, etc. Lowerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ end or less luxurious coffee places. Places that offer people a place to hang out, chat, relax or even work include tea houses, fast food places, iceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ cream parlors, sideà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ walk cafes, and bars and pubs. Accordingly when there are so many substitutes available, the threat is high and seems to be increasing by day to day. Threat of new entrants: Some of the more current and ongoing threats of new entrants include fast food chains such as McDonalds, Burger King and Dunkin Donuts. The entry barrier for the coffee industry is relatively moderate. Any large and wellà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ funded company where capital is not a problem could be potential entrants, since they have a strong brand image over the industry. Rivalry: There are many big players in the Brazil retail coffee market and with large no of small scale coffee shops big players have to fight out with small shops across different regions in US. With most of the customers taking coffee to home and provides convenience which is the major factor for them. There is an intense competition among the players to build up their customer base. Bargaining power of suppliers: There is more bargaining power for suppliers since the advancement in technological innovations such as automated coffee machines, latte and espresso machines, etc has made them to bargain over the industry. These changes, has made the supplier power high. Bargaining power of buyers: Buyers do not have the power to bargain in the market, considering Starbucks. The sheer scale of Starbucks business reduces the bargaining power of any single group of buyers. McDonalds who claim to offer premium roast coffee of reasonable quality at a lower price, so buyers need not bargain their needs. PESTEL Political/Legal: High standards relating particularly to coffee producing methods are becoming more important in the industry and may gain political prominence. There is increasing pressure for businesses to trade ethically, that is, socially, environmentally, and economically responsible. This is reflected in the coffee industry by an increased demand and rising market value for sustainable coffees such as certified coffee and fair trade coffee, which guarantees a fair price to producers. The fair trade market which is now worth  £100 million, is growing with developments such as Tescos launch of their own Fair trade range. Fair trade is also a means by which the coffee shop industry can differentiate their products and gain a socially responsible reputation; Starbucks customers now have the option to buy fair trade coffee. Oxfam have claimed there is a niche in the coffee shop market and have responded by launching their own brand of Fair trade coffee Progresso which is sold on already established premises such as bookstores. Economical: The impact of coffee on Brazilian economy was much stronger. The greater difficulty of coffee production and trade established important sectorial linkeages within the Brazilian economy. Coffee was the foundation of the economy, accounting for 63% of the countrys exports. Brazilian economy went through periods of growth but also difficulties and increasing trends towards coffee overproduction. The economic performances and development prospects of many developing countries are largely dependent on commodity issues. (, 2004) Social: The coffee market must adapt to a change in consumer attitudes or else it may be threatened by health and lifestyle issues. In 2003 the hot drinks market declined by an estimated 2.3%. Consumers, especially young people, are becoming more health conscious which makes coffee a less attractive choice; the increasing number of alternatives available such as health and energy drinks are becoming competitors in the coffee industry. Research carried out by Mintel shows that there is an increased diversification of tea, with a trend towards premium and herbal teas. The coffee industry are responded to this change in attitude by provision of de-caf drinks, options such as soy milk, and alternative drinks such as freshly squeezed fruit juices, chai lattes and herbal teas. Technological: Consumers are less inclined to buy coffees and teas in supermarkets due to the wide variety of coffees that are available in coffee shops today. Hi-tech equipment and premium ingredients are now easily accessible and are used to make a variety of hot and cold beverages that are sold in coffee shops; from cappucinos to the ice blended coffees. As a result consumers are becoming more knowledgeable about the ranges of specialised fresh coffees and premium teas that are available, and their tastes are changing to accompany them. Environmental: The environmental impact is almost always positive and it is important that coffee production and processing should be taken into account for environmental needs to make sure optimal physical sustainability. Even more necessary is that the economic environment should be such as to encourage stability and reasonable living standards for the populations involved with coffee and to make sure the sufficient care should be given to make sure the maintenance of the quality. (Change the environment.) STRUCTURAL DRIVERS OF CHANGE: Product Innovation: Product innovation is a driving force that has allowed the coffee industry to grow. Coffee drinks were developed as an anytime coffee drink. Such drinks are Espressos, Cappuccinos, Frappaccinos, Lattes, and Mochas. Whether a consumer likes it hot or cold is no difference now; iced coffee is for those that do not feel like a hot cup. Black, White, Irish, Turkish and Americano are also other types of coffee to choose from. Flavored coffee is a pillar innovation to this product category allowing different consumers taste buds to run wild. Chocolate covered coffee beans are another innovation to the coffee industry. This industry growth has also allowed companies the opportunity to promote to different consumer markets. Young and old purchasers, people that like hot or cold coffee, and those that like a coffee drink in the morning or evening are all targeted now that the product lines have broadened the scope of the industry. Product innovation has helped consumers differentiation issues, along with allowing them to drink it anytime of day they need an extra tasty boost of energy. Pricing: Prices of coffee are relatively inelastic, with consumers becoming more aware of the quality of their coffee, where it is derived from, and the atmosphere in the branded coffee shops. As a result consumers will regard a high priced quality branded product as good value; more than two-thirds (70%) of coffee drinkers will pay more for a good cup of coffee. This was evident when Coffee Nation increased sales by moving from a cheap instant coffee to an espresso coffee with improved packaging. Consumers life style: Consumers lifestyle is the other driving force that ties in with the customer base and usage. Society is changing, with the new generations being a huge influence. Parents, a huge factor in the lifestyle, attitudes, and opinions of their children, drink coffee and are, thus, promoting coffee to the offspring. These young persons are looking for caffeine to keep them going through their increasingly busy days. At age 13, who knew that coffee was needed to add to their ever-so hyper lives? Coffee is established as a drink older people consume. Young people are always aspiring to be older than they are, so coffee is marketed in a different way to the younger generations as specialty coffee and gourmet beverages. Establishing loyalty early while coffee drinkers are young will ensure a prospective future for this industry. Industry life cycle model: Introduction stage: In the introduction stage the profit will be low and the cost will be very much expensive. The market growth starts with the introduction stage with low competition and high prices and the demand will be comparatively low. Growth stage: Profits start with the growth in the sales. Varieties of coffee with added flavors being focused during growth stage to get the brand image, value and growing market share. Maturity stage: During maturity stage the profit of the industry increases and the demand also increases. Competition will be very high and customer satisfaction will increase. Saturation takes place due to brand value. Decline stage: It is very difficult to survive in the market if the industry wont be innovative and introduce new products. By analyzing the life cycle model we can implicate that the coffee industry should come up with new innovative product. The coffee industry lies between the maturity stage and decline stage. Coffee has some advantages in health regards which decreases the diabetes and makes brain alert. Coffee consumers due to raising health concerns they can go for alternatives such as green tea which is good for health more than coffee. Therefore I conclude coffee industry will lies between the maturity and decline stage and it may decline if there is any serious health issues occurs around the world. Scenarios Substitute product: Energy drinks may all together substitute the coffee in future. The countries like china and India being the worlds largest producers of tea. They can come up with new innovative products and it will be created in the retail industry. Considering the health concerns people may prefer green tea than coffee. The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of green tea from ancient times. Today scientific research in Asia and in West is providing hard evidence for the health benefits long associated with drinking green tea. There is also a research representing that drinking green tea reduces high cholesterol, cancer, impaired immune function. Climate change: Climate change is just one of numerous factors that may affect global coffee production. The international coffee organization considers it one of the most important ones. Temperature and rainfall conditions are the two main drivers when its come to yield, i.e. production. As temperature increases coffee ripens more quickly leading to a fall in inherent quality. According to Brazil Rising temperatures suggest coffee production will become viable in areas formerly considered too prone to frosts. Meteorological agencies report temperatures consistently above the historical average since the 1990s. However, too high temperatures will reduce the overall acreage with climatic potential for coffee production. Demand for quality: Since the industry has already passed the maturity stage the players were try to increase the quality by analyzing their brewing systems, and by trying to bring different flavours in the coffee. Following the recommendations of the committee, the international coffee council adopted resolution in February 2002 to implement the coffee quality program. The CQP is designed to improve the balance supply and demand of coffee by stimulating demand through the provision of the better overall standard of quality to the market.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Essay --
The 3G+GPS shield uses the 3G module, SIM5218E from SIMCOM, which enables the connectivity to high speed WCDMA and HSPA cellular networks. It is a single board which can handle high speed wireless communication. The 3G module has an internal GPS with the help of which it is possible to locate the device outdoors as well as indoors. It combines the standard NMEA frames with mobile cell ID triangulation for accuracy and uses both assisted-mobile (A-GPS) and mobile-based (S-GPS) modes. A video camera can be connected to the shield which enables recording photo and video in high resolution (640x480). It is also possible to connect a microphone to the module and a SD socket to save directly all the data coming from the 3G network or recorded from the video camera. Since the 3G+GPS shield supports the above mentioned features with all the hardware on board, it became the first choice for the implementation of the prototype. Described below are the important components of the 3G+GPS shield that we have used. 3.1.1 Hardware 3G Module (SIM5218E) Figure ‎3 2: SIM5218E Sim5218E is a quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE and UMTS engine that works on frequencies of GSM 850 MHz, EGSM 900 MHz, DCS 1800 MHz, PCS 1900 MHz, and WCDMA 2100M/1900M/900M [28]. Sim5218E provides interfaces for Serial communication, GPS, Camera, USIM Card as well as an audio interface. These are described briefly below. Detailed information about these is present in the â€Å"Hardware Design†document of SIM5218E [29]. Serial interface Sim5218E has an asynchronous serial port. Sim5218E is designed as a Data Connection Equipment. It can be connected to any Data Terminal Equipment using standard DCE-DTE connection. Serial port can be used for sending AT commands ... ...verage problems are experienced, then two antennas are used, where the second antenna is connected to the sub-antenna connector. Electret Microphone We have used electret microphone for the prototype. It is a small microphone useful in acoustic and audio applications. Figure ‎3 3: Electret Microphone Camera The camera used for the prototype is a VGA Sensor Camera module. This camera is a very compact size. It uses a GC0309 CMOS sensor. It is 0.3MP (VGA) camera with a maximum resolution of 640 x 480 dpi. Figure ‎3 4: VGA Sensor Camera Arduino Mega 2560 Figure ‎3 5: Arduino Mega 2560 Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. It has 4 UARTs (hardware serial ports), which will be very useful in interfacing various components. It has a 16MHz crystal oscillator with a flash memory of 256KB and SRAM of 8KB.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Bed Sheet Ghost
What do you think is scary? When people ask you what you think is scary, you will usually say your biggest fear, but I think ghosts are the scariest. Either that or flesh- eating zombies! When I think of ghosts, I think of the whole furniture moving on its own thing or your traditional bed sheet ghost. However, in early ghost stories the ghost never tried to hurt or scare the people but were said to have been asking for help like getting a proper burial or finish something that the ghost never got to do in TTS lifetime.Some of these ghost stories date back as far as 3,000 years! One story takes place around 2,000 years ago when a man named Homer wrote an Iliad. In the story a deceased warrior named Patrols visited his friend Achilles as a ghost. Patrols told Achilles that he wanted a proper burial of his body. He also informed Achilles that he would die in the final battle of Troy. And what do you know? Achilles actually did die in the final battle of Troy because he was stabbed in h is heel, his only sake spot.Another story takes place over 3,000 years ago in Athens Greece. In this story a man named Attendants rented a house even though he was told it was haunted. He woke up later that night to a rattling noise. He then saw the ghost of a man bound by chains. The ghost then pointed to the ground beneath him and disappeared. The next day Attendants dug up where the ghost pointed and found a skeleton. He then buried the skeleton in a graveyard, and the ghost was never seenIn 1848 in Heedlessly New York, there were two sisters who claimed they again. Were able to talk to spirits by rapping their knuckles. The noises they made could mean yes, no, or a certain letter. When the sisters were very old and nearing death, they confessed that they were faking it the entire time. Even though people knew it was fake, the idea of spiritualism still caught on and in 1853 the Spiritualism Church was created and had over two million followers in only two years. Nowadays most re ligions believe in life after death.They believe that after death your spirit or soul goes to Heaven if you were good or the Underworld if you lead a bad life. Sometimes a ghost takes over a human body. This is called possession and it can only be stopped if a priest comes in and performs an exorcism, which makes the evil ghost leave that person's body. One movie that demonstrates that well is called, â€Å"The Exorcist. †It is a movie that I hope you never have to see. Site source- outshoot. Com
Friday, November 8, 2019
How to Prepare for the PSAT 5-Step Guide to PSAT Prep
How to Prepare for the PSAT 5-Step Guide to PSAT Prep SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Many juniors and even sophomores take the PSAT every fall to prepare for the SAT. But the PSAT isn’t a college admission test, so do you actually need to prep for it?The reality is,PSAT prep can strongly benefit you, especially if you're hoping to naba National Merit scholarshipor get a high score on the SAT. In this article, we explain why PSAT prep is important and go over how to prepare for the PSAT using five simple steps. In addition, we discuss what kinds of resources are ultimately unnecessary for quality PSAT preparation as well as how PSAT prep differs from SAT prep. Why You Should Prep for the PSAT Most juniors take the PSAT, but in truth PSAT scores aren't nearly as important as SAT (or ACT) scores.Why? You see, because the PSAT isn't used for college admission, schools won't even so much as glance at your PSAT score. But if that’s the case, then, why bother prepping for the PSAT at all? As it turns out, there are a few reasons PSAT test prep may be worth the effort. For one, the PSAT is essentially a gateway to doing well on the SAT. Because theprimary aim of the PSAT is to prepare you for the SAT (hence its name, "Preliminary SAT"),the two testsshare several similarities. As a result,preppingfor the PSAT can give you an early sense of what SAT content areas you'll need to strengthen and what strategies and approaches work well for you. Even if you're planning ontaking the ACT instead of the SAT, the PSAT can still help you get used to the kinds of questions and content you'll need to know since there are so many similarities between the redesigned SAT and ACT. What's more, your PSAT score can predict your SAT score. Though the PSAT and SAT scoring scales differ (the maximum score is 1520 on the PSAT and 1600 on the SAT), each PSAT score directly corresponds to the same score on the SAT. So a 1300 on the PSAT indicates the same level of ability as a 1300 on the SAT does. The PSAT essentially shows you how well you’d perform on the SAT if you were to take it at that exact moment in time.Without any PSAT prep, however, you’re glimpsing what your SAT score would be without any SAT prep as well. Such a score isn’t particularly helpful, as you’ll most likely want tostudy for the SAT, so to get a more accurate SAT prediction, you'll definitely want to engage in some PSAT prep. Lastly, PSAT test prep is essential if you’re hoping to qualify for National Merit. All juniors who take the PSAT are automatically entered into the National Merit Scholarship Program, which awards annual $2,500 scholarships to top scorers. To qualify as a Semifinalist, you must reach or exceed your state’s PSAT cutoff score. Sothose aiming towin scholarship moneyshould study for the PSAT as diligently as they would for the SAT or ACT. Nonetheless, not everyone needs to prep for the PSAT or even take it.If you're not trying to hit National Merit, don't bother committing to lengthy prep sessions or long-term study plans. Likewise, if you're set on taking the ACT instead of the SAT, the PSAT won't be as helpful or as relevant to your studies, so feel free to forgo PSAT prep (and even the PSAT itself, if not required by your school). How to Prepare for the PSAT: 5-Step Plan Now that we’ve gone over why you should study, let’s look closely at how to prepare for the PSAT. Below are the five major steps you'll need to take in order to get the most out of your PSAT test prep. Step 1: Learn the PSAT Format The easiest and most fundamental way to prepare for the PSAT is to learn the format of the test. This is a great place to start, even for those who aren’t intending to aim for National Merit. As you may remember, the PSAT is very similar to the SAT, so if you’re at all familiar with the SAT format, know that the PSAT is strongly tied to it. The only major differences between the PSAT and SAT are that the PSAT: contains fewer questions lacksan essay component is slightly easier Here is an overview of the PSAT format: Reading Writing and Language Math No Calculator Math Calculator Order 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Time 60 mins 35 mins 25 mins 45 mins # of Questions 47 44 17 31 Question Types Multiple choice Multiple choice Multiple choice, grid-ins Multiple choice, grid-ins Topics/Skills Tested Vocabulary Ability to find evidence for answers in passages Data interpretation Ability to improve flow and style of passages (Writing only) English grammar and punctuation (Writing only) Algebra (linear equations, functions, inequalities, etc.) Nonlinear expressions Data analysis (rates, ratios, percentages, graphs, etc.) Geometry Trigonometry Complex numbers Scoring One Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) score on a scale of 160-760 One Math score on a scale of 160-760 In addition, I suggest reading our basic guide to the PSAT for answers to any general questions you might have about the PSAT, such as what it tests, how it’s scored, how much it costs, and how to register for it. Next up, set a goal score! Ideally, one higher than 17. Step 2: Set a PSAT (or SAT) Goal Score A PSAT or SAT goal score can help you determinewhat PSAT score to aim for on test day. If you want to qualify for National Merit,your PSAT goal score should be equal to or higher thanyour state’s cutoff score.(Note that cutoff scores are usually reported as Selection Index scores, but you can find estimated PSAT score conversions in our article on the PSAT score range.) In general, you must score around1400-1480on the PSAT to qualify for National Merit. As previously mentioned, the exact score you'll need varies depending on the state. Regardless, you'll have to aim high! If you plan on eventually taking the SAT, you could also set a combination PSAT/SAT goal score. To do this, you must have a rough idea as to what colleges you want to apply to as a senior. Once you've got your list of schools ready (you can use our handy chart), find the 25th and 75th pecentile SAT scores of admitted students to each of your schools. After, look for the highest 75th percentile score on your chart.This score will be your goal score for both the PSAT and SAT,as it's the score most likely to get you into all of the schools to which you're applying. Ultimately, if you can hit on or around this goal score on the PSAT, you should have little trouble getting the same score on the SAT. And even if you don't hit it on the PSAT, you'll know exactly what to work on during your SAT prep so that you can raise your score by the time you sit for the SAT. Step 3: Take PSAT Practice Tests If you really want to do well on the PSAT, one of the best ways to prepare for it is to take at least one official PSAT practice test. You can download thesefree, full-length tests by going directly to the College Board website. Of all possible PSAT study materials, practice tests are arguably the best resources available. With practice tests, you’re getting authentic PSAT questionswrapped up in a complete test-taking experience. Unfortunately, since the PSAT only recently underwent changes in 2015, there aren’t a ton of practice tests to choose from. Here is what you can currently access: Official PSAT Practice Test #1 - Scoring Your Test - Answer Explanations Official PSAT Practice Test #2 - Scoring Your Test - Answer Explanations Other solid options for PSAT practice includeIvy Global’s PSAT practice test PDF- a high-quality, albeit unofficial, practice test- and official SAT practice tests (which we'll discuss more in Step 5). The Ivy Global practice test is a full-length test that's extremely similar to the official PSAT practice tests.The only downside is that its scoring guide uses the SAT scale (out of 1600) instead of the PSAT scale (out of 1520), making it a slightly less accurate representation of the PSAT. Practice tests are excellent tools for tracking your progress.What you'll want to do is take one practice test at the beginning of your studies to get yourbaseline score (i.e., the score you start with). Then, follow Step 2 above to set a PSAT/SAT goal score.Once you've completed some PSAT prep, take another practice test to see whether you're closer to hitting your goal score. As you take these PSAT practice tests, always simulate real testing conditions as closely as possible.This means taking the test in a quiet room without distractions and timing yourself on each section as you'll be timed on the actual PSAT. Doing all of this ensures you'll have a clearer and more accurate sense of where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Step 4 is all about mistakes. My mistake? Following Donkey Kong. Step 4: Analyze Your Mistakes When studying, tryto understand why the incorrect answer choices you’ve chosen are in fact wrong.This means you'll need to go through all practice tests and questions you’ve used for PSAT prep, mark the ones you answered incorrectly, and spend time figuring out where your logic or calculations went wrong. Look to see whether there are any patterns in your mistakes. For example, are you consistently getting tripped up on certain question types? Do you tend to guess randomly instead of strategically? Do you struggle with certain skills or content areas, such as algebra or reading comprehension? Being able to pinpoint your mistakes and understand what you can do to fix them allows you to avoid making these same mistakes on the PSAT and even the SAT or ACT. Step 5: Use SAT Questions Tests for Extra Practice Other than the PSAT practice tests above, there aren’t many resources for PSAT practice questions. That said, there are tons of free SAT resources, with questions nearly identical to (though possibly harder than) those on the PSAT. Therefore, I suggest incorporating SAT materials into your PSAT prep if you're dissatisfied with the breadth of questions in PSAT practice tests. Like the PSAT, the best resource for SAT practice questions is the College Board, which offers dozens of free questions for the three SAT sectionson its website. All in all, there are: 24 Reading questions 22 Writing and Language questions 18 Math No Calculator questions 30 Math Calculator questions For additional practice, take afull-length SAT practice test.These tests are nearly identical to the PSAT practice tests, differing only in length (i.e., number of questions) and difficulty. Each SAT practice test also comes with an Essay section, which you can skip since there are no essays on the PSAT. While SAT questions and practice tests can be helpful for PSAT prep, remember that these resources arethe best free resources for SAT prep as well. Therefore, you may want to reserve some of these questions for future SAT prep (unless, of course, you’ll be taking the ACT- in that case, go ahead and use all SAT resources for your PSAT preparation!). Ready to open up your wallet? Or nah? Should You Hire a PSAT Tutor? Sign Up for Classes? Because the PSAT isn’t as important as the SAT or ACT,you generally shouldn't need to hire a PSAT tutor or sign up for PSAT classes. Remember, thePSAT is essentially just a practice test- it has no effect on your GPA or your chances of admission to college. So throwing a bunch of cash at a PSAT tutor or prep course will likely only waste time and money in the end. The only cases in which PSAT prep courses and tutoring sessions are useful is when you want to qualify for National Merit or get a super high SAT score. In these cases, additional PSAT guidance can shed some much-needed light on critical concepts and skills you need to work on in order to get the score you want. For most students, though,light prep and a self-guided study plan using free, high-quality resources is typically all you need to prepare effectively for the PSAT. Even just knowing the PSAT format can give you a leg up on test day! So try not to feel obligated to spend money on resources you may not actually need in the end. If you do decide to invest in tutoring sessions or prep courses, just make sure the price doesn't bother you and that you can apply what you're learning to the SAT as well. Bonus: Aiming for a National Merit Scholarship? If you're not sure you can self-study your way to a qualifying PSAT score, you'll love our PSAT prep program, PrepScholar. We designed our program around the concepts in this article, because they actually work. When you start with PrepScholar, you’ll take a diagnostic that will determine your weaknesses in over forty PSAT skills. PrepScholar then creates a study program specifically customized for you. To improve each skill, you’ll take focused lessons dedicated to each skill, with over 20 practice questions per skill. This will train you for your specific area weaknesses, so your time is always spent most effectively to raise your score. We also force you to focus on understanding your mistakes and learning from them. If you make the same mistake over and over again, we'll call you out on it. There’s no other prep system out there that does it this way, which is why we get better score results than any other program on the market. Check it out today with a 5-day free trial: PSAT vs. SAT: How Is Test Prep Different? There's no denying that the PSAT and SAT are undoubtedly similar- but they're certainly not identical, and thus neither is their test prep. Below, we go over the three key ways in which PSAT prep differs from SAT prep. Intensity PSAT prep is generally far lighter than SAT prep. This is primarily due to the fact that the PSAT is just a practice SAT and therefore a far less important test. Specifically, SAT (and ACT) scores are a significant college admission factor, whereas PSAT scores are not.(That said, being named a National Merit Scholar can certainly give a boost to your college application, especially in regard to financial aid.) Availability of Resources Since the SAT is a more popular and ubiquitous test, you'll find that there aremany more resources available for SAT prep than there are for PSAT prep. This means you’ll have a broader range of materials to choose from when studying for the SAT- from prep books and apps to questions and practice tests- than you will for the PSAT. Essay Section Unlike the SAT, which includes an optional Essay,the PSAT does not include an Essay section.So if you’re taking the SAT with the optional Essay, you’ll need to make sure you adequately hone your writing skills prior to the exam.In other words, without having to practice composition, the PSAT is a slightly easier test to prepare for. Once you finish the PSAT, do a happy dance- ideally, with a frilly umbrella. Key Takeaways: The Importance of PSAT Prep If your goal is to perform well on the PSAT- whether because you hope to qualify for National Merit or simply want a better chance of scoring highly on the SAT- you’ll need to engage in some PSAT test prep.But if you're not aiming for National Merit or don't plan to take the SAT, you don't need to prep for the PSAT (or even take the test at all, if your school allows students to opt out). The best way to get started on PSAT preparation is to learn the format of the test, including what questions it’ll ask and what concepts it'll test you on. Setting a PSAT or SAT goal score, too, can help guide your studies. Finally, it's a good idea to spend some time analyzing your mistakes and practicing with high-quality PSAT practice tests and SAT resources. Most students shouldn't need to hire tutors or enroll in PSAT prep courses to do well on the PSAT. Because the PSAT isn’t a college admission test, scoring highly on it isn’t nearly as important as scoring highly on the SAT or ACT; therefore, there’s no point in spending money on PSAT prep unless you really want to qualify for National Merit and believe the resource will help you eventually get a high score on the SAT, too. As for test prep, PSAT test prep is typically less intense than SAT test prep, as the PSAT isn't as important as the SAT. Moreover, there is no Essay section on the PSAT and only a small number of PSAT resources available, making PSAT prep overall simpler than SAT prep. What’s Next? You now know how to prep for the PSAT- but do you know how to register for it?Our comprehensive guide walks you through the three critical steps you must take to sign up for this year's PSAT! What's a good PSAT score overall? For sophomores? For juniors?Learn what constitutes a good PSAT score in general as well as how the definition of a "good" PSAT score can differ depending on your grade level. Running out of PSAT prep time?Never fear!Follow our10 last-minute tips to help you get the PSAT score you want on test day. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We have the industry's leading SAT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and SAT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today:
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Prefix Co-
The Prefix Co- The Prefix Co- The Prefix Co- By Mark Nichol If you’re the betting type, and you wager on whether a given word beginning with a prefix is attached directly to the root word or linked with a hyphen, bet against the hyphen: The trend- in American English, at least- is to close prefixed words and compound words. However, you won’t always win, because there are exceptions, even among words beginning with a particular prefix. Take the prefix co-, for example. Using the Merriam-Webster’s website as the authority, we can see that virtually every word beginning with the prefix is closed. Exceptions include most words in which the root word begins with o, including co-official, co-organizer, and co-owner. Co-op takes a hyphen when it serves as an abbreviation for cooperative, even though the full term is not hyphenated- though it, like many other words containing prefixes, once was. (However, the unrelated term coop, referring to a shelter for birds or other animals, has no hyphen.) In British English, which is generally more conservative about orthography and word treatment, the correct form is co-operative (and co-operate and co-operation). Co-opt, however, is standard in both dominant forms of English. An all-but-obsolete treatment of such words to signal that the o’s are separated by a syllabic break- this style quaintly persists in the pages of the New Yorker- is the inclusion of a diaresis (two dots) over the second instance. Avoid attempting to attach the prefix to a phrase, as in â€Å"co-personal assistant,†which fails because it describes an assistant who is co-personal, not a personal assistant who shares responsibility with another person holding that title. A natural solution is to employ a slightly sturdier en dash in place of the hyphen to convey the prefix’s relationship to the entire phrase, not just the first word (equivalent to the stronger symbol’s usage in such phrases as â€Å"pre–Industrial Revolution†), but this strategy is not standard; instead, merely substitute co- with fellow. Finally, avoid the prefix altogether if it is always redundant, as in copartner, and consider doing so if, in context, it is often so, as in co-conspirator. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Beautiful and Ugly WordsWhat is the Difference Between Metaphor and Simile?Drama vs. Melodrama
Monday, November 4, 2019
BUSINESS FOUNDATION-ORGANISATION AND THE ENVIROMENT - Essay Example At present the company is operating in Manchester but the company is eyeing for being competitive in the world that is why they are having this LONGPEST analysis. The company can attract more customers thru its features and services. SMOSH Ltd. should be focusing in the global strategy to penetrate the market globally. Tax policy - As a limited liability partnership the company should register with HM Revenue and Custom as self-employed. The company must complete a partnership self assessment tax return every year. Each partner has to complete a self assessment tax return every year. Pay their own Class 2 and Class 4 National Insurance Contributions (NICs). Employment Laws – It is a policy if the staff or employee will be handling children it is a requirement that the employer should conduct a criminal investigation. It was stated in the company profile that the employee undergoes criminal investigation. The employee should be very well compensated depending on the days and time of their work. Workers should be at the right age and must be given at least one day break. The employees of SMOSH Ltd. Has play work qualification of experience, and first aid training. Environmental regulations –. SMOSH is environmentally aware, using sustainable resources where possible, providing healthy, organic, fair trade refreshment as much as is practicable and minimising paperwork by the use of e-mails and the website wherever they are able to do so. Economic factors - SMOSH Ltd. has several payment skills to increase the number of students participating in the after school and before school activities. However any late payment will be subjected to an additional percentage in the total amount paid. The SMOSH has an affordable services for both the after school and the before school activities. SMOSH Ltd. caters to children aged 3-11 providing child care (play schemes) before and after school. Since the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Evaluation and analysis of mission statments Essay
Evaluation and analysis of mission statments - Essay Example The industry chosen happens to be hospitality; luxury hotels to be more specific. The three companies chosen are Burj Al Arab, Al Qasr and Shangri-La Hotel (Kotler, 2001). Mission Statement Burj Al Arab To be the most deluxe hotel in the world, with a team of dedicated to provide outstanding personalized services, surpassing expectations of the guests by providing the ultimate Arabian hospitality experience. Al Qasr Can do attitude towards all its guests Shangri-La Hotel To delight the guests every time by developing an engaging experience straight from the heart. Comparison Although there are certain differences in all the three mission statements mentioned above, there is one common factor among all of them. All the three companies have put the customers as the main focal point of the mission statement. Hence while considering the part: for whom exactly the company does it; there are lots of similarities. While considering the fact what the company does; it can be seen the mission statement of Burj Al Arab is the most clear and concise. Also while considering the fact of how a company does it; Burj Al Arab would be ahead of the other three as the hotel has mentioned about providing personalized experience through dedicated and experienced team. Evaluation and Critique The mission statements have been analyzed based on the clarity, scope and consistency. It has also been checked whether it has been able to answer all the three questions discussed before in a clear and concise fashion. The mission statement of Burj Al Arab is very much clear. It talks about the target market segment clearly, about the services to be offered and also about the way the services would be delivered to the customers. One of the most interesting things about the mission statement has been the fact that it mentions about the â€Å"Arabian Experience†; i.e. the organizations looks to introduce the guests to the native cultural heritage. The only criticism could be that the missi on statement is a bit too long. But overall, a part of the small issue regarding the length, the statement is very much clear, concise and reflects the values and objectives of the company (Czinzota, Ronkainen, Moffett, Marinova & Marinov, 2009) Although just like Burj Al Arab, Al-Qasr is also a very famous hotel; but unlike Burj Al Arab, the later does not have a clear business statement. Although the company talks about ht target market segment, but it does not talk about the way the company looks to provide the services. Hence it is to be said that there is a lot of room for improvement at least in the case of mission statement of Al-Qasr. The mission statement of Shangri-La Hotel is quite good. It is clear and concise. It has put the customers or the guests at the heart of the statement and also it talks about providing services straight from the heart; this would helps the company to develop an emotional relationship with the customers. However, it is believed that there is roo m for improvement when it comes to describing the way the services would be delivered to the customers. what a company does how does the company do it for whom exactly the company does it Burj Al Arab 5 5 5 Al Qasr 1 1 3 Shangri-La Hotel 4 4 4 Mission Statement of the proposed company The name of the company has been chosen as Arabian Nights. The reasons for such a choice is simply due to the fact that; Arabian night’
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